The above leering vacant-eyed man is a US Senator from the State of Wisconsin. His name first name is Ron and due to powers currently beyond my control his surname is Johnson.
I know that I should do a positive post first. To build up instead of tear down, but this above individual inspired this journey to help reclaim the Johnson name and I need to get this out of my system. See, he is everything that's wrong with American politics currently. Without a doubt, he is the embodiment of how absolutely everything went wrong. Ron, therefore, is an ignoble Johnson. He shames all Johnsons. No Johnson should ever, EVER, represent the complete destruction of American politics. We can get impeached or maybe even become embroiled in an unjust war, but we shall never, NEVER stand as the perfect symbol of everything that's wrong with American politics.
The list is quite impressive on how he stacks up to be the exact example of why everything sucks politically in this country.
First, he's an extremely wealthy business owner who ran a "folksy" common person kind of campaign as a political outsider. Never mind that he used $9 million of his personal dollars to fund this folksy common, I'm just a concerned family man from Wisconsin campaign. By the way, if you watch that video, I have great problems with this fat son and that creepy "hot stuff" eyebrow raise his gives his sister at the end of the commercial. And, yes, I am allowed to call him fat being formerly very, very fat myself...which brings me to another complaint, you can tell they tried to minimize his son's fatness by how they positioned him in the seat, angling his body forward like that to disguise the belly. I know that trick. If you're proud of your family, show them as they are, gut rolls and all, otherwise, don't put them on the TV. Okay, back to this, Ron also benefited greatly from outside of the state moneyed interests who poured in millions of dollars to fund him. So you know, just a typical family man ashamed of his fat son and a folksy common millionaire with billionaire connections to boot.
He's also an Ayn Rand disciple who believes that the class of people like him, the suppliers I believe they're called in Rand speak, are a better class of person that working folk. He said as much during a debate with Feingold. However, it was not broadcast state wide. I watched it online through some Green Bay television station's website, I think. Might have been a smaller city than that, actually. I wish I could remember more details about it, but I can't right now. So he's an uppity, elitist millionaire with billionaire connections...you know, folksy. Down home even. Your neighbor, perhaps. The one just over the hedge maze past the garden of statues from Antiquity that we all have.
He's a tea party guy as well, which I think is in and of itself an indictment that he is representative of all that is wrong in politics. Never has a group been so militantly against their own good or misunderstood their problems with such ferocity. But tea party policies, their mad love for privatization and zero regulation, does benefit people like Ron the millionaire.
And, lest we forget, he, the millionaire had employees that need the state insurance program for the poor called BadgerCare because he compensated them poorly.
Ron is also a corporate tax cheat. In that he's not doing anything illegal, but still wrong. Kind of like how it's not illegal to have sex with your sister, but it sure is wrong. Here's One Wisconsin Now's video about how his company has paid zero taxes since 1997. Did so legally, but garsh, that sure looks wrong.
He also blasted his opponent, Russ Feingold (aka The Feingold), who he did beat somehow. Ron accused Feingold, one of the few actual independent minds of the Senate, as being too loyal to his party, despite Feingold's reputation for being the exact opposite. Ron accused Feingold of being a party line rubber stamp. Now, from what I can tell, Ron has voted exclusively along party lines thus far. In fact, he's been nothing but a parrot of Republican toady lines since being elected. Shit, his staff is all made up of Republican beltway lifers. Even on the protests in his own state (and mine, too) he appeared to be completely incompetent on the matter, as if it was an uprising on some distant moon, but he was able to squawk out the party line about "thugs" and do so on on cue. So, you know, just another hypocritical, uppity, elitist, millionaire with billionaire friends. Folksy. Down to earth like that. Full of lies the way some other people are full of things like blood and muscles.
Oh, then there's the fact that he about broke his puppet masters wrist being the first republican senator to call for Rep. Weiner's resignation for those cock shots Rep Weiner took. Naturally a senator from Wisconsin has all the right to call for the removal of an individual from a different branch of government who represents a different state entirely. That's the way things work, I suppose. HOWEVER! Where Ron lives he is represented by State Senator Randy Hopper in the Wisconsin legislature. This is the same Randy Hopper who left his wife for a young lobbyist. Randy didn't sent cock photos, so I guess that makes it okay...he was just simply boning a lobbyist and destroying his family is all. Ron has not called for Randy, the guy who represents him in the the state house, to resign. Interesting. I already said hypocritical, so I let's just let this paragraph serve as me underlining it.
Another thing, he made this awkward video here (I swear, clearly he didn't read to his children when they were young because how do you get this far in politics and be that bad stiff at reading aloud) where he tries to present himself as some kind of genius businessman who knows all about the economy. (He also hops onto an insignificant quip by the president and tries to make as much party line hay out of it as he can). Actually, his plastics company, he kind of married into it. His company's biggest client is his father-in-law's company. The company he owned and operated...co-founded by his brother-in-law. Right. Business genius. He's good in business like how European royalty was good at real estate. So, let's add misrepresentation to the list, which we kind of had already with his false folksy-ness.
Then there's also his habit of doing things that aren't exactly criminal, but damn sure look it. He also dropped that "people like you" line in that's quoted in the second linked article about his response to questions on how convenient it was that his former company gave him pretty much the exact amount needed to cover the funds he spent on his campaign. So we have criminal and elitist again, underlined.
The list can go on and on, but one last one. During a debate with Feingold, I'm not kidding here, Ron said something about bring "drobs" to Wisconsin. Not jobs, which is what he meant, but "drobs." Yeah, anybody can misspeak, but for God's sake, "drobs." Drobs?
So, to sum up, Ron is a hollow, phony, selfish, elitist, fraud of a man who hoodwinked and bought an electorate made up of people whose main goal seems to be to hurt themselves as much as possible, and he did so by use of millions upon millions of dollars of his own money and millions and millions of dollars belonging to his billionaire backers (Upon his election, Ron made sure to personally thank the US Chamber of Commerce for his win.). And he beat one of the last decent politicians in the US Senate. His election replaced principles with avarice, compassion with selfishness and our better angels with our worst fears. He beat a politician willing to stand up to his party, willing to do what's correct and fair even when unpopular.
Ron you are an ignoble Johnson. Do us Johnsons a favor and give up your surname.